Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Sample it, Loop it, F ck it, Delete it - an exhibition of contemporary art

The night came around very quickly! So here are some shots kindly provided by Michael Bold, those with lower resolution are my own...

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Sample it, Loop it, F ck it, Delete it - an exhibition of contemporary art

This is an exhibition I'm involved in for one night only. It'll be in the same building that my studio is located in (the rear of 55 Great Tindall St Birmingham), and is a space with a recent history as intriguing as the Victorian building as a whole. This particular space, now run as a new artist-run studio and exhibition space in B'ham by artist Chris Clinton and curator Sonya Russell-Saunders (newly known as The Wig), was just discarded by a group using it as a kind of knocking shop come gentlemans club. Much of the evidence of the space's activities were left behind after the previous tenants disappeared in serious arrears, with a make-shift bar, pub furniture, stage with pole and separate room including discarded clothes and wheelchair.  

On Friday 12th August 2011, (assuming the Birmingham riots calm down by then), Sample it, Loop it, Fuck it, Delete it will be an exhibition of recent works by guest artists: Michael Bold, Jeanette Deen, and Emma little to join with Chris and Sonya in an exploration of the space and its recent history, making work in response to the artifacts and props that were inherited with the space. 

More info?.... : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173250596076573

Anticurate exhibition 2: 'Once Upon a Time...'

10 August · 18:00 - 21:00


Created by:

More info

Friday, 29 July 2011

I'm anti-curating for the second show, out of the full six shows! I've also included a piece. More info can be found here: http://www.macarts.co.uk/event/anticurate-the-anticurators

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Plug for the family:

Here's a link to my brother's website. He is a graphic designer, soon to be freelance so please recommend him to all your friends!


Monday, 7 March 2011


Just applied to... international streaming festival, with my Film Detached from my MA. Fingers X.

Work for INbuilt Sandwell Arts in Queen's Square

Monday, 7 February 2011

'PLAY'... Some old work

The images uploaded here include some work that I completed in the period between the end of my BA degree and the start of my MA in Fine Art. It will hopefully remind me of that (almost) fearless time where I was content exploring ideas through materials, and materials through materials...

Monday, 17 January 2011

New Project for 2011

Myself and two other artists  from Birmingham (Jeanette Deen and Tessa J Stevens) have been commissioned to make some work for Sandwell Arts in Queen's Square shopping centre, West Bromwich. The residency will take place over two weeks in Feb/March and will involve workshops and a film day. I will post more, but for the meantime please take a look at our website. http://queensprojectspace.weebly.com/artists.html

Friday, 14 January 2011